Sunny Shores Resort & Marina Charter Fishing

Let Mark, our very experienced skipper, take you on a fishing trip you'll always remember on board our 22' Double Eagle.

Salmon Runs:
Coho, Sockeye and Pink - through summer.
Chinook - End of May through September.
Also great winter and springtime fishing.

Also Bottom Fishing for Halibut is Great!!!

(more fishing photos in our Photo Album)

Sunny Shores Resort & Marina Ltd.
5621 Sooke Rd.
Sooke, BC Canada
V9Z 0C6
Toll Free: 1-855-642-5731
At Sunny Shores we still prefer the personal touch.
Please use our Toll Free number to contact us as email
may not be responded to as promptly. Thanks

Phone: 250-642-5731
